An open letter to those who may be contemplating suicide

To someone who I believe is strong, You may not know me and I may not understand what you’re going through right now, but I am here to tell you one thing – always have hope. I know it’s exhausting. I know because I have been there, although our situations may not be the same, […]

To someone who I believe is strong,

You may not know me and I may not understand what you’re going through right now, but I am here to tell you one thing – always have hope. I know it’s exhausting. I know because I have been there, although our situations may not be the same, I am glad I persevered. Because, there most certainly is light at the end of the tunnel.

This Isn’t Forever

Grief, depression, loneliness are plagues that wreck the mind. It hurts to watch yourself struggling when people around you seem so much happier. There may be days you can’t get out of bed. Days where you feel alone in a room full of people. Days where you question yourself and everything around you. But do not be hard on yourself, you will brave this storm. Remember, your situation right now is temporary. Time heals. There are brighter days in the future waiting for you, only if you choose to stay.I know you want to be rid of the pain and struggles in your life right now. To stop fighting against your demons, to no longer feel overwhelmed and trapped. People may have drifted away from you. People may have invalidated your feelings, judged you, reiterated that life is good and that there is no reason to feel this way. But let me tell you this – your feelings and thoughts are very much valid, true and real. Acknowledge your emotions. You deserve to find happiness. And one day, you will.

You Are Worthy

I know you are brave. Brave enough to put on a smile for people, despite feeling down inside. Brave enough to have made it to today. And you undoubtedly are brave enough to make it through this storm too. This too shall pass. I urge you to confide in someone – be it a friend, a family member, a counsellor or just anyone willing to listen: someone who’ll take you as you are. Reaching out can lighten the load immensely and give you the support you need.

It may seem intimidating at first, but try to engage in those little experiences of life. Go out for a walk. Call up that friend you miss. Finish that painting you stopped working on. Learn a new piece of music. Journal your thoughts. Absolutely anything you want. Small changes eventually add up to give meaningful results, and I assure you it will make all the difference.

So stay. Things really do get better. And do not forget, you are loved and cherished. You are worthy of this life.

With love and strength,

Your well wisher

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, help is out there. Reach out via the Suicide Prevention Hotlines.